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In my genealogical research I found that in some places Indian, Mulatto and Lobo children not being listed with their last name in baptismal records, even when the parents names are known. Within the same record Mestiza and Espanol children were always listed with their last names. So one of my ancestors record reads only “Ylario Indio” even though his parents are listed in the record and he is listed as a “hijo legitima.” His own children’s names are only sometimes included his correct name De La Cruz, though they are always listed as the child of Ylario. Ylario and his wife’s first son was baptized under her last name alone. In the next generation some are identified as Indians, one Mulatto and one Coyote. Thank you for the informative article! Hello, I’ve read a great deal of your article over and over, and I can’t figure out if there’s a word for me.

My paternal grandmother (my father’s mother) is a native to Madrid Spain. My paternal grandfather (my father’s father) is 45% black 3% french and 2% unknown but presumed to be amerindian because his family derives from Nachitoches, Lousianna. My mother was born in the Phillipines, on an American naval base, making her a citizen, however-both her parents are from the islands (Illocos Norte Region). This is very confusing and I find that I (or my peers) are using the wrong words or at least rubbing elders the wrong way.if there is a single or specific set of words that might describe my race, even if it is no longer appropriate or irrelvant I’d like to know an equivelant if one exists. I saw this poster in a museum of Guadalajara. It encouraged me to ask more about my heritage for the first time. It has been a touchy subject especially with my family, so I’ve learned that the Casta is still prevalent in our communities.

My father’s family from Mexico take pride in their ancestry with Italian and Spanish. They are mostly fair, blue/green eyes. My mother’s tall stature and curly hair resembles her 6’4″ father with afro and mother who still speaks Kora dialect. A Kora usually expresses Chinese features, small eyes, short in stature, black straight hair. My father refuses to accept my mother’s roots and instead has used it as leverage to excuse his negative behavior towards her, supported by his relatives. My maternal grandmother expresses fear and shock that someone may want to know more about her ancestry. As I continue to inquire, I’ve learned that her husband was part Yaqui from Sinaloa and part African.

I often hear the term muchacha from white Mexicans. This term is a derogatory phrase used for servants of today, usually with more noticeable indigenous features. Racism/Discrimination is widely accepted in Mexico as it is in India and other countries. It continues because the leaders are usually on the higher part of the Casta that highlighting such evil would reduce the power of those who exploit through oppression. Thank you for creating a place to discuss.Africana, Kora, Yaqui, Huichola, Espanola, Italiana, Frances.Sincerely, Emma Flores/Pelayo Lopez/Leon.

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I ended up at Mitla on my first day in town. Mitla was a small Zapotec site that is famous for its intricate stone mosaics adorning most of the buildings. I wasn't sure what to expect when I got off of the old bus in the new town of Mitla. It was a small, dusty town.