Gold Squadron Star Wars


Red SquadronAn X-Wing squadron stationed at Yavin 4, Red Squadron participated in the Battle of Scarif and the attack on the Death Star. Only two pilots, Luke Skywalker and Wedge Antilles, survived the effort to destroy the Imperial superweapon. They remain in the squadron after it is reformed under the leadership of Commander Narra, but command eventually falls to Luke by the time of the Battle of Hoth.

Following the evacuation of Echo Base, Wedge takes over command of Red Squadron from Luke and leads it at the Battle of Endor. 'I'm gonna cut across the axis and try and draw their fire.' A experienced pilot from the planet Virujansi. Dreis served as the leader of Red Squadron during the Battle of Yavin, where he was shot down by Darth Vader. He was friends with Gold Squadron pilot Davish Krail.: Aside from Luke, he was the only pilot good enough to survive the trench run long enough to fire a proton torpedo at the Death Star's exhaust port. Unfortunately, he missed.: His appearance in A New Hope is sourced for Rogue One. His actor, Drewe Henley, retired after A New Hope and had died in 2016.: After making his trench run, he is shot down by Darth Vader, and crashes into the Death Star while screaming.: He remains mostly calm throughout the attack on the Death Star, although he gets slightly excited when he fires his torpedoes and later goes screaming to his death.: In the full version of the scene in the hangar, Garven says he knew Luke's father, Anakin Skywalker.

He is later shot down by Darth Vader, the man Luke's father became.: He appears in Rogue One through archive footage (with the movie coming out the same year his actor died).: He goes out screaming as his out-of-control craft crashes into the Death Star. From the way the scene is shot, it looks like he's having the time of his life.: For a moment it appears as though he may have destroyed the Death Star, but ultimately his torpedoes miss and only explode on the surface outside the shaft, causing the battle to continue with more Rebel casualties, including Garven when Vader continues to chase him and eventually nails his top engines, sending him into a final freefall that he dies in, yelling with a smile.: After he pulls out of the trench, Darth Vader is right behind him. Luke offers to bring his flight group to cover him, but Garven refuses their aid, pointing out his fighter was already damaged and ordered them to begin their trench run instead of trying to save him.: Of Red Squadron until Vader shoots him down. Prior to that, he tells Luke to forget him because he lost his starboard engine and to go for his run in the trench, after which Vader shoots his upper engines and he crashes. Luke immediately takes command of the final remaining X-Wings and leads the final run in the trench.: He isn't named during the film, but his previously established Legends name is given in the canon reference book Star Wars in 100 Scenes.: Served in the Virujansi Rarified Air Cavalry until the Empire came to his homeworld, abolished the ruling council, installed a governor, and disbanded the armed forces while offering to incorporate the pilots into the Imperial navy.

Dreis and his commander Antoc Merrick refused, fled Virujansi, and joined the Rebellion.: With Ralo Surrel at Scarif. 'It'll be like old times, Luke.

They'll never stop us.' Luke Skywalker's friend from Tatooine, who leaves to join the Rebel Alliance. Appearances: An X-Wing pilot. He was killed during the Death Star trench run.: Of all Star Wars names, his name is pretty ordinary and Earth-like.: He dies to show the stakes of the Death Star trench run.: His homeworld is Dalandae (which also doesn't have much information on it other than it is John's homeworld).: His first name and middle initial is presumably in tribute to John Dykastra, a special-effects supervisor and pioneer in the development of the use of computers in film making. His skill was why he was recruited for, the same film John D. Appears (and appears only) in.: Flew as one of Ralo's wingmen alongside Binli during the Battle of Yavin. 'They're all over me!

I'm trying to lose them.this is Red Five. I need help!' A pilot from Denon, he used to be a pilot for civilian transports and cargo freighters. After helping fugitives wanted by the Empire, Gaul was branded with treason and was forced to flee, finding asylum in the Rebel Alliance and using his skills as a pilot for the Red Squadron. He would be killed in the Battle of Scarif, and his callsign would be given to Luke Skywalker.: He was forced to flee Denon after being branded a traitor by the Empire.: He appears very briefly in Rogue One, during which he is shot down by a TIE fighter during the assault on the Scarif shield gate.: Chief Kase thought he was awkward, but otherwise a.: To Harb Binli, whom Gaul has been giving lessons to. 'I'm right with you, Red Three.'

A pilot transferred from the split Yellow Aces Squadron and hailing from the ocean world of Bestine IV, he served as Red Six in place of the ill Wes Janson. Porkins was killed strafing the Death Star's turrets during the Battle of Yavin.: His homeworld is re-established in the canon sourcebook Ultimate Star Wars.: He is shot down during the attack on the Death Star when his X-wing malfunctions and something (presumably turret fire) causes him and his ship to blow up. Porkins is notably the first shown casualty of the Battle of Yavin and the only one seen on screen before the Death Star's TIE Fighters show up.: When his X-wing begins to malfunction, Biggs tells him to eject instead of trying to regain control of it. Porkins refuses and is subsequently shot down.: His X-wing is destroyed in the middle of his reassurances that he had control over it. Porkins: I can hold it.Biggs: Pull up!Porkins: No, I'm all—Aargh!.: So the overweight guy being named Porkins is a total coincidence, right? And of course, his nickname by the other pilots is 'Piggy'.: The fattest Rebel pilot is named Porkins. Allegedly, the plan was to make him an alien if not for prosthetics limitations.: He was a pilot and trader on his homeworld until the Empire came along and set up a military base on the planet.

Porkins left soon after and joined the Rebellion.: To fellow former Yellow Aces pilot Zal Dinnes. Appearances: A recent addition to Red Squadron prior to the Battle of Scarif. Talented and tenacious, Binli was skilled at strafing runs on point defense cannons.

Having temporarily replaced Elyhek Rue, he fought at both Scarif and Yavin, losing his life in the latter.: Dies fighting off TIE fighters during the assault on the Death Star.: While older than most examples, Binli is still new to the military, with the Visual Guide for Rogue One noting that he has 'barely worn through his first flight helmet', which also lacks any customization like his more experienced comrades.: Switch around the sounds in his name and you get his actor's name, Benjamin Hartley.: Serves as Perdin Gaul's wingmate. Appearances: After the rebels at the Tierfon Rebel Base were forced to scatter, Yellow Aces Squadron was split up and reallocated to other outposts. Four of the pilots, including Dinnes and Porkins, were transferred to Yavin 4 and assigned to Red Squadron. She fought at the Battle of Scarif and was killed at the Battle of Yavin.: Her helmet has kill markings on it which include three black 'V's in yellow dots, each of which indicate twenty fighter kills, meaning Zal has at least sixty kills.: Died fighting against TIE fighters during the assault on the Death Star.: The only female in Red Squadron.: Despite the Yellow Aces having been disbanded, Zal still has their insignia painted onto her flight helmet.: Switch around the sounds in her name, and you have her actress's name, Zarene Dallas.: To her fellow Yellow Aces veteran Porkins. 'It's a hit!' 'You better let her loose! They're right behind me!'

A pilot in Red Squadron during the Battle of Yavin. He was trained by Red Leader Garven Dreis.: He was not named or even credited in A New Hope, but the reference book Star Wars in 100 Scenes established his Legends name as canon.: Like most of Red Squadron. He gets shot down by TIE fighters during the trench run.: His role in the trench run is to fly behind Dreis' X-Wing and soak up the fire from the pursuing TIEs long enough for Dreis to fire his torpedoes.: Flew as Dreis' starboard wingmate during the Battle of Yavin.

Appearances: note (voice)A former stunt pilot that entertained for the masses of the Outer Rim, now wingmate to Red Leader, Garven Dreis. He was killed at the Battle of Yavin.: During the Battle of Yavin, Ralo has a chance to escape when Luke, Wedge, and Biggs make their run on the Death Star trench, but he instead stays to fight the TIE fighters, buying them time to complete their mission. He dies around the same time Wedge is forced to pull out of the trench.: Serves as Dries', at least during the Battle of Scarif.

At the Battle of Yavin, Dries assigned him as leader of second flight instead with Branon and Binli flying as his wingmen. 'We're having no effect on the shield.'

An X-Wing pilot in Red Squadron, participating in the Battle of Scarif. He would be succeeded by Puck Naeco for the Battle of Yavin.: It's unknown if he survived the Battle of Scarif, as Puck Naeco replaces him for the Battle of Yavin.: Strangely, he's the only starfighter pilot (not counting Green Leader) at the Battle of Scarif that hasn't been named by any source so far.

Unlike Green Leader (who is likely Hera Syndulla), there's nothing to go off of Red Twelve either to make any assumptions about.Backup Roster. Appearances: note (retcon) A Red Squadron pilot that bears resemblance to Wedge.

He witnessed the Battle of Yavin from the Alliance war room.: He's pretty envious of Wedge, and not helped in that it seems the only reason people remember who he is is because he looks like Wedge. Also not helped in that Dreis chose the more experienced and better pilots for the run on the Death Star (though Luke was more of a wild card with good flight sim results).: Originally, Wedge was played by Collin Higgins, but he got fired and was replaced.

However, due to production issues, Higgins still appeared as Wedge in a single scene. Higgins' Wedge was subsequently deemed, and now that they're separate characters, it has evolved into, with Col's colleagues nicknaming him 'Fake Wedge' for looking like Wedge.: Don't call him 'Fake Wedge'. Though after the Death Star is destroyed, you can probably go at it as much as you want.: He hates being called 'Fake Wedge', which came about due to looking somewhat alike and being opposite in personalities.: Col starts to reconsider his attitude starting with Wedge being mature and telling him to stop throwing a tantrum about how he wasn't chosen to go, which leads to him realizing afterwards that this is why Wedge is seen highly of. While watching the trench run, he starts to have shades of when it turns out that Wedge's starfighter is at risk of falling apart and Wedge is forced out of the fight.: He is surly and has trouble controlling his temper, and wrongly blames Wedge for being stuck with his nickname.

However, Col jumped at the chance to join the Alliance after witnessing the Empire's atrocities and just wants to prove himself in an important mission. When Wedge returns from the assault on the Death Star, Col is one of the few people who goes to him instead of Luke, hugs him, and declares that after everything Wedge did in the battle, Col would be honored to be mistaken for him any day.: Collin Higgins' scene as Wedge is instead now Col.: His last name is a reference to Collin Higgins' character in.: A serious problem with Col, as he frequently flips out when things do not go his way, which has earned him reprimands from Dreis and even General Merrick.


After not being picked for the assault on the Death Star, Col trashes Red Squadron's ready room, even. After being caught by Wedge and calming down, he does clean it up.: His first name is derived from his actor's first name, and his last name is derived from a character named Tak that he played on (as used that role to identify Collin as 'Fake Wedge') and a character named Bright he played in A Mystery. Appearances: An X-Wing pilot in Red Squadron, his position being taken over by Cadet Harb Binli for the Battle of Scarif and Battle of Yavin. He witnessed the Battle of Yavin from the Alliance war room.: Him being a specific background pilot that is Red Seven is recanonized, except for the part where he dies at Yavin.: In Legends, he originally flew at Yavin and died.

Gold Squadron Star Wars Movie

Binli takes his place.: His name is an anagram of Decipher Inc. Employee Kyle Heuer, who also developed the Trading Card Game (as Decipher Inc. Created the Star Wars Trading Cards that featured the pilots and their backstories back then). Appearances:An X-Wing pilot in Red Squadron, his position being taken over by Lieutenant Zal Dinnes for the Battle of Scarif and Battle of Yavin. He witnessed the Battle of Yavin from the Alliance war room.: Him being a specific background pilot that is Red Eight is recanonized, except for the part where he dies at Yavin.: He was trained by Wedge, and growing up, he always wanted to attend Raithal Academy. Also, his homeworld is Lantillies.: In Legends, he originally flew at Yavin and died.

Dinnes takes his place.: His name is an anagram of Deciper Inc. Employee Jonathan Quesenberry's last name.