Morrowind Fargoth Hiding Place


I've been playing MW for about a month now and Casius has just assigned me to kill someone from the Sixth House cult. Since this seems to be a pretty dangerous quest (according to Cassius) I thought I should go back to some earlier quests that I've had some trouble completing.First of all Fargoth's Ring.

  1. Morrowind Time
  2. Morrowind Fargoth Hiding Place Quest
Morrowind Fargoth Hiding Place

Yes, after all this time I still havent completed that and have gotten nowhere in the Thieve's Guild. I've tried giving back his ring. This causes him to like me (momentarily) until I try again to ask him about his hiding place at which point my reputation with him goes way down. Do I need to work on building my personality or is there something else I'm missing?And then there's the code book quest. Can't get that from the lady at the SouthWall Cornerclub. Tried persuasion tactics and got nowhere.

Morrowind Fargoth Hiding Place

Tried flat out killing her for it and ended up getting killed by the other patrons in the club (evidently they dont take kindly to ruffians who would attack a woman). Perhaps another case of an underdeveloped personality? What do you think?Finally the 'bad people' quest. I've tried to kill the first one there in the other club by the stilt strider in Balmora, but of course the other 4 are all over me in no time and totally annihilate me. Do I need to level up (currently at or is there something else I'm missing?I wondered if the latter 2 quests were perhaps connected as both involve the Camona Tong? Maybe I need to solve one to solve the other?.

Morrowind Time

1: The Ring of the Evil Bosmer) You can give him his ring if you want, it'll help you at Arrille's tradehouse (Arrille'd Disp. Goes way up). If you follow Hlormar's directions, you can discover the the hiding place easily.2: Code Book) Logically you SHOULD be able to make her a copy, and return the orignal.but, of course, you can't. IIRC, solutions include doing something else for Eydis, killing her (and bugging out quickly after, Inviso would be good), or helping the Thieve's guild instead of the fighter guild.3: Kill them. Actually, don't kill the barkeep, I don't think he's hostile. You can lock yourself in the closet at the top of the stairs and area-of-effect them if you're a mage (did this with a low-level char) but your best bet is to tank up on bug musk, and then insult them. After all, it's not a crime to defend yourself!.

I agree with Abramul's comment re Fargoth. You should do what Hriskar told you (I think it's in the journal) if you've forgotten post again and we'll move this to spoilers.If you are intending to play as a member of the Thieves Guild as well, join it before you do the Code Book quest. You won't be able to afterwards. Best way to get the code book is to brush up your sneak skills and pick her pocket. There are lots of other quests you can do while levelling this up. Alternatively insult her until she attacks you.

That way the other memebers of the Thieves guild won't get involved. If you're not intending to join the Thieves guild, bribe her and she'll give you the book.Re the five Camonna Tong members in Balmora. Do what Abramul says, insult them. Start with the guy at the top of the stairs, then the woman in the basement, then any one of the other three - they all attack together but only one has a weapon.None of these quests is linked.

However you can visit Hlaalo Manor in Balmora and get a second quest that relates to the Camonna Tong massacre. Thanks for the help guys! Still having problems on all fronts, but at least I'm on the right path.Regarding the code book and bad people quests, I've gone back and tried taunting them (in both cases) as you suggested and I just cant seem to piss them off enough to make the first move.

I guess I'll have to find some bug musk first. I know I've seen it around, but can't quite remember where.As for Fargoth's hiding place, I tried waiting at the top of the tower (read this in a walkthru somewhere) until nightfall for Fargoth to stash his loot, but it's just not happening.

Morrowind Fargoth Hiding Place Quest

I think he must see me. I know I need to avoid him seeing me. I'm not quite sure where to stand where he won't see me. Any advice?Thanks again for your help!.