Nightmare House 2 Emily


. Engine: EP2. Released: Augest 22, 2010. Author: We Create StuffStoryAfter a prologue (Nightmare House 1) where the player crashes his car in front of the haunted house, he is confronted by numerous undead and falls unconcious, he then wakes and finds himself in a padded room of an asylum. He then proceeds to leave and has visions of a ghostly woman while exploring the general area. Eventually the player is contacted by one Dr Romero who is seemingly trapped in the hospital as well and guides the player through various obstacles as well as directly assisting him.

After a brief journey through the hospital where the player encounters strange anomalies as well as zombies, the player meets a dispatched SWAT team who are at the location for a unclear search and destroy objective and enlists the players help due to his seeming knowledge of the hospital.As they fight their way past various enemies a member of the SWAT team (Johnson) is killed and the player is split up. After continuing his trip through the hospital and witnessing more strange phenomenon as well as visions of the ghostly woman the player regroups with the SWAT team. Once again the group is forced to fight their way past various enemies but suffers a tragic death when a SWAT member is overwhelmed by the paranormal energy and is killed out of self defense. Weary of the mission the SWAT leader decides to call a evac and abandon their mission. As the team fight their way another casualty occurs when a mysterious enemy drags a SWAT member away.

Despite the tragic losses and heavy resistance the remaining team members finally arrive at the extraction point only for their helicopter to be destroyed by some sort of psychic energy and knocks the player unconscious and critically wounds the SWAT leader. When the player awakens the SWAT leader reveals that their objective was Dr. Romero all along as he has built a psychic device (the Core) capable of killing. The player is left alone when the SWAT leader succumbs to his wounds and goes to find Dr. Romero alone.

By this point Dr. Romero recognizing that the player has discovered the truth, gives him two choices. Leave the hospital or continue his quest to kill him.If the player chooses to leave: he ends up being brutally killed by the Ghostly woman outside the hospital.if the player chooses to pursue: a large fight will occur between the player and Dr. Romero, finallly destroying the Core and allowing the ghostly woman (Emily), in fact Doctor Romero's wife, to appear and kill him by throwing him brutally against walls then tearing him up, leaving only a skeleton. After the battle, she appears before the player and thanks him.An Easter Egg is launchable by taping in console 'mapthisisnotaneasteregg' which launches a parody of the flash video Amazing Horse, with Emily, Romero, and a zombie (as a horse).In-Game InformationWeapons. Axe. Pistol.

SMG. Shotgun. MagnumCharacters.

Dr. Romero. S.W.A.T. Members (X 4). Ghostly Woman (Emily)Enemies. Regular Zombies (Doctor Model/Patient Model/Worker Model).

Armored Cop Zombies (Zombine re-modeled). Screamers (Fast Zombies re-modeled). Big Skinny Zombies (Poison Zombies re-modeled). Shadows. Mannequins.

Nurse Zombies (cut-scenes only). Creeper (bonus files only ).Links. ..

.: The Core Battle music. Remix can be found.: Doctor George Romero conducted experiments on mind control, hallucinations and resurrecting the dead through his creation, the Core. Though seemingly happily married to his wife, Emily, who was opposed to his experiments, Doctor Romero used her as a test subject in his experiments, causing her to commit suicide. His attempts to revive her only brought back her vengeful spirit, leading to Romero hiding in Never Lose Hope Hospital, where he continued work on the Core, keeping Emily at bay. When the Patient arrived, Romero, paranoid that Emily had found him, decided to activate the Core, resulting in the deaths of the entire hospital, turning them into zombies. Despite the fact he didn't mean to kill them, he refuses to accept responsibility for their deaths and tries to justify it as self-defense. Eventually, he decided to kill the Patient but was driven off by Emily.

Instead, he woke the Patient up from their coma to use them as a test subject, presenting himself as a guide trying to help them escape. When a SWAT team arrives to kill him, Romero convinces the Patient to destroy the radio station, allowing him to mind rape and sadistically kill the SWAT team.

Once the last SWAT member reveals his true nature to the Patient, Romero offers them a chance to leave the hospital, knowing that Emily will kill the Patient if they do so. When the Patient arrives and tries to destroy the Core, Romero childishly taunts and mocks them as they fight for their life, finding their struggle amusing.

Nightmare House 2 Emily

Nightmare House 2 Emily 2

Responsible for the deaths of hundreds, Romero was, in the end, obsessed with his research into controlling the human mind and willing to go to any extremes to save his own skin and cover up what he had done. 'Yeah okay, just go ahead and break my shit, and you wonder why you don't have any friends.' .

The SWAT officer's continued rant about the lack of light 'Seriously, did a light kill his family or something?' . Romero drops this line, 'Hey, hey, hey. Don't touch that; it's mine!

Everything here is mine!' Sounds like someone is a fan of.: 'Thank you'. Narm: The ending scene in Dr. Romero's lab, particularly his delivery, which just makes him sound bored.: Well, it is called Nightmare House. Highlights include:.

After a scene straight out of, seeing a SWAT unit gesturing at you from behind a window to pull a lever. You do so, and the lights go out.

Nightmare House 2 Emily

The door next to the SWAT unit unlocks, and you go to join him. But as soon as you arrive on the other side of the window, instead of a SWAT unit, there's just a mannequin.

Neptunus Ballroom sangat penuh diisi oleh peserta, keluarga peserta, dan panitia pelaksana. Keluarga peserta masih banyak yang berada di luar Neptunus Ballroom, tidak bisa masuk semuanya. Universitas terbuka jakarta.

The broken announcement system. 'We would like to notify you. Something is behind you.' . At one point, the SWAT team asks you to climb up into a vent and unlock a door for them from the other side. While crawling through the vent, you pass by two other (unbreakable) grates that overlook the room.


The SWAT team appear to have been killed and dissolved into bloody skeletons lying on the floor, and if you try to go back to check on them, the way you came in is now a dead end. When you reach the other side of the door and unlock it, the SWAT team comes through, perfectly unharmed, wondering what took you so long. Continuing with the teleporting walls, there's one instance in the game where you become trapped in an air vent, as it constantly turns into dead ends and forces you to continuously turn around. Eventually, you find a wall with a set of bloody handprints covering it. The next time you try to go through, the vent suddenly breaks open under you. There's also an extended session of what appears at first to be a maze of rust-colored walls with nothing but your flashlight to light the way, only to discover that it keeps changing as you turn, until you're finally boxed in.

And then you see Emily above you.