Top Cyber Attacks Againstindustrial Control Systems


#1180731: The Top 20 Cyber Attacks on Industrial Control SystemsDescription:No industrial operation is free of risk, and different industrial enterprises may legitimately have different “appetites” for certain types of risks. Evaluating cyber risk in Industrial Control System (ICS) networks though, is difficult - for example, such evaluations can result in considering explicitly or implicitly up to hundreds of millions of branches of a complex attack tree modelling the interaction of cyber attacks with cyber, physical, safety and protection equipment and processes. Communicating the results of such risk assessments to business decision-makers who are not versed in cyber-physical risk-assessment techniques can be even more difficult.In this paper propose that cyber risk be communicated as a Design Basis Threat (DBT) line drawn through a proposed “Top 20” set of representative cyber attacks across a spectrum of attack sophistication. These Top 20 attacks are selected to represent cyber threats to industrial sites across a wide range of circumstances, consequences and sophistication. Many industrial cyber risk practitioners will find the list useful as-is, while expert practitioners may choose to adapt the list to their more detailed understanding of their own sites’ circumstances.More info:Date addedSept. 17, 2017, 12:04 p.m.SourceSubjects.ICS - Industrial Control and Automation Systems - New Reports In.Industry Control Systems / PLC Suppliers - New Reports In.SCADA - New Reports In.Utilities - Waste Water - News.Utilities - Water - News.

Top Cyber Attacks Againstindustrial Control Systems

Board directors continue to up their investment in cybersecurity. Seventy-three percent now say their organization requires that third-party vendors meet certain cyber risk requirements—up 30 percentage points from 2016, according to the 2 of 145 co-directors at public companies.This increase in requirements and investment is warranted as manufacturing companies a into their operations. During 2018, we have seen a 350% increase in ransomware attacks, a 250% increase in spoofing or business email compromise (BEC) attacks and a 70% increase in spear-phishing attacks in companies overall.

Top Cyber Attacks Againstindustrial Control Systems

Top Cyber Attacks Against Industrial Control Systems Pictures

Further, the average cost of a cyber-data breach has risen from $4.9 million in 2017 to $7.5 million in 2018, according to the U.S.