Microsoft Net Won T Install
Microsoft .net Framework 3.5 Offline Installer For Windows 10
I'm using visual studio community 2017 on Windows 10. It crashed before and I had to delete some registry entries to be able to reinstall it. Xcom 2 voice pack tutorial. Today I needed to run a project on.NET 4.6.1 and it won't install it.I tried o install it via visual studio installer - individual components (uninstall/install) and to download from microsoft website. In first scenario no changes, in second scenario it says that a newer version is already installed.I checked HKLM - Software - WOW6432Node - Microsoft - NET Framework Setup - NDP - v4 - Full - version is 4.7.03056 and HKLM - Microsoft - NET Framework Setup - NDP - v4 - Full - version is 4.7.03056 too.In Control PanelProgramsPrograms and Features I have installed 4.5.1. I guess I need to delete something in registry so it won't think that newer version is installed.Note: I can 4.6.2+ through visual studio installer.