Vampires The Masquerade Character Sheet


Classic World of DarknessVampire: The Masquerade, Werewolf: The Apocalypse. (XLSB file type, faster and smaller format. Functionality exactly the same as the XLSM). (Current for 2017 Chronicle). (XLSM file type, larger and slightly slower format type for those who have issues with the XLSB format). (Current for 2017 Chronicle). (Current for 2017 Chronicle).

(Current for 2017 Chronicle. Shimon’s sheet)Chronicles of DarknessPreviously known as New World of Darkness.If there are any issues with the sheets, or you wish to provide general feedback, please!

Tropes some or all of the signature characters share.: Although their traits, relationships and subplots remain largely intact across their various appearances, the signature characters are always somewhat different each time, since the novels were written by different people. For instance, Lucita in the Clan Novel Saga is often callous, aggressive and violent, whereas her Lasombra Trilogy incarnation is overall a lot more quiet, thoughtful and melancholic. Calebros is an even worse case; depending on the writer he could either be a or a ruthless, irredeemable scumbag.: Most of them have received official stat-blocks for gameplay purposes, but their actions and capabilities in the novels do not always match their stats.: Several of the older vampires follow Paths of Enlightenment, but are quite happy to act in accordance with their tenets only when it suits them. This is despite the fact that the whole point of a Path is to shackle the Beast by single-mindedly obeying an extremely strict code without loopholes or exceptions. Signature character of Clan Brujah. An escaped slave from Mississippi in life, Bell is now an archon of the Camarilla, one of its most feared and capable operatives.: A living legend amongst the Camarilla's archons, despite being a relatively young and high-generation vampire.: He uses for his shotgun, excellent against fellow Kindred.: His father was taken from him when Theo's slave-owner split the slaves into different groups and sold half of them.

He never found his dad again.: Not Bell himself, but Beckett, who happens to know that Hardestadt the Elder, the actual Camarilla founder, has suffered Final Death, and that his Childe, Hardestadt the Younger, has replaced him. Therefore, Bell is tasked with destroying Beckett to keep the secret.: Despite his role as a keeper of peace and law, his Nature is listed as Rebel.: A non-rebellious, cool-headed Brujah who treats everything with quiet seriousness.: With Jan Pieterzoon. Signature character of Clan Gangrel, alongside Ramona.

A Noddist historian. Basically, he studies the origin of vampires.: A Noddist specifically, who seeks to find the true origins of vampires.: He does his last job as a Noddist, which is to chronicle Gehenna.: He really just wants to do his research.: So you're a vampire.

Of course Caine doesn't exist.: What the above turns him into. He stops being one when he gets to meet someone implied to be Caine.: He's an and a. Do the math.: With and since they're Lasombra and Malkavian respectively.: Beckett knows he is going to die soon but Caine alias Kapaneus gives him the opportunity to do what Beckett does best, which is to record down the events of Gehenna.: Appointed by Caine to see the events of Gehenna.: It's to hide his animalistic eyes.: Subverted. It still hurts him but he has a higher endurance to daylight than the majority.: He really doesn't have a place to call home. He just ups and leaves as soon as he finds something to research on.: One of the more approachable vampires who would use manipulation as a last resort.

He is also studying the origins of vampirism.: Let's just say he would still be quite formidable even without the vampire powers.: Caine Was My Traveling Partner.: Once he recovers. It helps that he had a meaningful conversation with Caine. He accepts it as a funny joke.: Is subjected to this once he realized that all his work was for naught and nothing could be done to stop Gehenna.: Is one of the few powerful vampires who actually mean this.: Really 300 Years Old.: Beckett, as a scholar, knows many things that others would kill to keep hidden. However, he only uses it to be left alone.: Has a level of Fortitude that has some mistake him for a.: See for details. Unfortunately, Anatole is with an and Lucita commits a.: With Victoria Ash. It would never be reconciled since she dies in the events of Gehenna.: Inverted. He watched the sun rise for once.: With Lucita.

Vampire the masquerade character sheet chronicle

Signature character of Clan Gangrel, alongside Beckett. A Gangrel Neonate who was born in a rough Los Angeles neighborhood. Turned only very recently and without the aid of a Sire, she still struggles with the difficulties of vampirism and trying to guard her humanity against the clutches of the Beast.: An ordinary girl thrown into the world of the Kindred without any external help. She really doesn’t have much experience with vampirism at all, but she does her best to get. Signature character of Clan Malkavian. Anatole seeks redemption in finding the truth about the history of vampires.: He believes that finding the origins of vampires will redeem him.: Not that his suicide stops him from giving warnings about Gehenna.: He was strong in his convictions during his life. His unlife just made him more.

Devoted.: Beckett seriously should listen to Malkavians.: It comes with being a.: Fused with this blob composed of other Malkavians, willingly.: Not that he minds people who believe him.: Like hell vampires should have just listened to him.: To Lucita. She loses it after his death. See her entry to see how badly affected she was.: Born 1173 CE, Embraced 1193 CE.: Despite his death Anatole still keeps in contact with Beckett when Beckett sleeps. Though this is just because Gehenna is starting.: Downplayed. But yeah, pretty smug about being right. Signature character of Clan Nosferatu. He is a crusty and somewhat ruthless Nosferatu elder who becomes, against his will, temporary Prince of New York.: Almost all vampires are but he has few redeeming features.: Uncle Smelly, the 2nd most powerful Nosferatu in the city, considers him this for doing nothing to help the Nosferatu when in a prime position to do so.: Has no desire to remain the Prince of New York longer than absolutely necessary.

Subverted by the fact a voluntary abdication by a Prince in the Camarilla is just not done and no one likes him for it who doesn't want the job themselves.: Appointed a Scourge to destroy Thin-Bloods just because the Camarilla asked him to.: He is, however, extremely protective and loving towards his warren, considering them family. Signature character of Clan Toreador. Signature character of Clan Tremere. Signature character of Clan Ventrue. Signature character of Clan Tzimisce. They are an elder vampire that personally helped the Anarch revolt and the creation of the Sabbat.

Vampire The Masquerade Character Sheet Dark Ages

They are a fervent scholar, much like Beckett, though they have a different approach to their 'investigations.' They spends their time roaming different Sabbat domains and trying to recover the Toreador Methuselah Michael's dream for a vampiric, perfect city, as well as turning people into armchairs. Signature character of Clan Assamite.

She is a Muslim follower of the Path of Blood who finds her loyalties divided with the rise of Ur-Shulgi.: Has survived battles with Lucita, an equally talented assassin.: One of the toughest in the setting.: A pretty epic case of this. She loves Lucita, but her Clan also wants Lucita dead. Later on, well, see.: Her sire Thetmes wishes her to abandon the worship of Allah for Haqim.: When Gehenna reaches her, knowing the end is at hand, she chooses to wait and pray. When Haqim comes for her, she does not resist, calmly explaining that she has fought for both him and Allah, but could not abandon the latter in favor of the former. She is spared the deadly sandstorm and cries tears of joy as she realizes that both Haqim and Allah have judged her worthy, then fades away peacefully.: Ur-Shulgi doesn't take her well and makes the choice for her by ordering her death.: Unlike Lucita, we never meet any of her male lovers but the distinction is rather moot with Kindred anyway.: See Lucita's entry above.: Loves Allah as well as Haqim despite the contradictions therein. Signature character of the Followers of Set. One of the most prominent Setites, Hesha is an archaelogist and art historian, working to gather as much ancient lore as he can in order to bring about the awakening of Set.: The Snake, of course.

While with most Setites, its sensuality and corruptive nature are played up, Hesha more closely resembles the silver-tongued, fiercely intelligent manipulator that appears in the Book of Genesis.: There's a reason the Setites used to be called 'The Clan of Scholars' in the Middle Ages. Hesha shows us why.: He is relatively kind to his underlings, building a reputation of avenging their deaths without mercy.

He is also always working towards a fairly amicable, somewhat family-like climate. While he is not above brainwashing them, he still believes that a motivated follower is much more useful than one that has been coerced and so goes to great lengths in explaining and justifying himself. Hesha also seems to entirely avoid and other violent punishments that are so popular among elders.: As a Theophidian, his primary goal is the accumulation of knowledge that could benefit the Setite cause. Signature character of Clan Giovanni. Isabel Giovanni is a powerful necromancer in the service of the Giovanni and one of their movers and shakers.: She was sexually abused by her parents.: Was able to convince her mentor to embrace her due to her skill with necromancy.: She gave birth to her own brother's child.: Her drinking blood from decapitated skulls in Eternal Hearts and sexually sadistic elements were made non-canon along with the rest of that book.: A very beautiful Italian one.: Was the product of this.: One of the Giovanni's most powerful members.


Signature character of Clan Ravnos. A young Toreador artist who specializes in sculpting. He suffers from a bad artist's block. In actuality, Leopold is a Tremere Antitribu. Obtaining an ancient artifact called the Eye of Hazimel by random chance, he ends up becoming the of the Clan Novel Saga.: All of Leopold's quest to find his sire and the truth of his origins means nothing because he's killed soon after.: The Eye of Hazmiel turns him into a shadow of his former self.: Has had his memory wiped to convince him he's a Toreador.: What the Eye of Hazmiel effectively does.: A minor member of Atlanta's court who results in the Gangrel leaving the Camarilla.: Dies at the end of the Clan Novels. It's a.: Out of universe many clans complained he was a Toreador.

Averted a bit in that he was actually a Tremere.: A high generation Tremere Antitribu who becomes a monster thanks to a magical artifact. An ancient Baali, who rose to prominence during the fall of Constantinople.

Considered an outsider even by the standards of her own bloodline, it was her actions that led to the downfall of Michael, and by extension, Sascha Vykos' descent into the monster they are today.: She was resurrected by her sire, Anaduk, who to to bring her back, after his Auspex allowed him not to just to read Mary's writings, but also to feel her emotions. Anoster obliged, sending a succubus to consume the tablets and become the product of. The tablets contained Ma-Ri-Ah's despair and rage towards Michael.: She absolutely loathes Toreador, mostly because of Michael. Clanbook: Baali describes how she's left a trail of Toreador ashes all throughout Europe and the Middle-East, killing them for no other reason than because she can.: She was made into one of Michael's ghouls, and was rewarded for her service by being left for dead when the Akkadians sacked Ebla. She was, and then resurrected against her will by infernalists, the leader of whom embraced her into the Baali bloodline. From that point on, all she could think about was getting revenge against Michael, and when she finally succeeded in diablerizing him, she felt all of his guilt for the way he treated her,.

She's had a pretty miserable existence, but in the process, became one of the most feared ancient kindred still alive in modern nights.: One of the very few Baali to actually succeed in this. She did this by usurping the power of Anoster, her own patron Decani, and coincidentally the one who in the first place.: In her opinion, Toreador are the absolute scum of the earth, and she will kill them on sight.: Physically, less so than other Baali Methuselah, with her only disfigurements being a particularly noticeable. She got off much easier in this department than Nergal did. Beyond the physical, though, she's one of the very few kindred in the setting to ascend to full-fledged demonhood, which she did by.: Her sire, Anaduk, found her writings from before her death, fell in love with the sheer amount of rage and hatred expressed in them, resurrected her, and then embraced her. Ma-Ri-Ah thanked him by brutally.

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Before that, she was Michael's ghoul; after killing her sire, seeking revenge for his perceived abandonment of her became her one and only goal.: Due to her infernalism-inflicted disfigurements, she tends to wear hooded garments, including cloaks or an Islamic hijab.: She was born in the eighteenth century B.C., but spent the next few centuries, well, dead. She was later resurrected, but that would still clock her in at nearly two and a half millennia old.: One of her physical signs of her infernalism are bright, almost bioluminescent red eyes.: After getting rid of Michael, her next objective was getting rid of, her patron as a Baali. She began plotting in secret behind Anoster's back, amassing enough infernalist power and demonic allies to attempt to overthrow him. She succeeded, becoming one of only two known Baali in existence to actually ascend to demonhood.: The Path of the Devil, also known as Via Adversarius, emphasizes above all else, completely rejecting societal norms, notions of morality, and any sort of authority, including any demons you may or may not be in thrall to. They're actually one of the nicer Paths of Enlightenment, since their Path also compels them to.: During Constantinople by Night, she became obsessed with the idea of seeking revenge against Michael, and during the Fourth Crusade, she finally had her chance, killing and diablerizing him.

Michael's death was taken very, very personally by, likely even causing his insanity he's infamous for in modern nights.: When diablerizing Michael, she learned that not only was he not resisting, he wanted to die at her hands, out of guilt for leaving her to die in Ebla, something he never even intended to do in the first place. This revelation led to her frenzying in the streets of Constantinople. Keep in mind, this was during the height of the Fourth Crusade, in the middle of the siege of the city. She was very lucky to make it out of that alive, newly-acquired Fourth Generation or not. The Progenitor of vampires.

He is and rife with.: Caine as a taxi driver? Seriously?.: Already rife with these in-universe.

Vampire The Masquerade Character Sheet Help

Some say he's a, or even an. Canon from the Final Nights suggests that Caine is benevolent but neglectful and merely wants to be left alone, but has decided to take responsibility for his actions.: The original, and what turned him into the First Vampire.: He was given a chance of redemption for his original crime and turned it down. For that, he was cursed with vampirism.: A downplayed example. He is benevolent but not exactly a good guy, considering he was callous enough to have left vampires to their own devices just because he couldn't understand them.: Which serves to foreshadow that Kapaneus isn't all he seems to be.: Of the vampire race.: Older than most of recorded history. Possibly a, depending on how much time he's spent up and around.: Not exactly a sterling example but he is a force of ambiguous benevolence.: Smiling Jack claims that Caine travelled with him around the world in. He does the same with Beckett in the events of Gehenna, though Beckett wasn't aware of it.