Two Worlds 2 Female Character Mod


Version 1.0Dear readers,It has been a long ride to finally get here. And certainly I would have dropped dead from my horse ages ago without the continuous support of all the good people mentioned further below. So I will start this with a BIG THANK YOU for those who have accompanied me through all the crazy ramblings and experiments scattered wildly over hundreds of my posts across at the great forum.A. For those in a hurryWorldmerge - though done without SDK/Toolkit - combines the Two World 2 main campaign, the eleven multiplayer adventure maps and the whole Pirates of Flying Fortress Expansion into one coherent, newly balanced singleplayer gameworld. It ties everything together with a very long new questline sending you all around the world of Antaloor, even to the most hidden corners.

You will find three new difficulty levels (Novice, Expert and Master) with various tweaks and enhancements, each for a female or male player character, that bring a lot of extra challenge. In addition to that many great mods by gifted modders from the Two Worlds 2 community are included (see details below). The singleplayer game time (compared to the 45+ hours of TW2+PotFF) is easily extended by more than 15 extra hours (25+ if you choose the Master Difficulty).All you require is the original Two Worlds 2 game (PC), patched to version 1.3, and the corresponding Pirates of the Flying Fortress expansion. It is advisable, though not required, to use an English language installation.For installation just placea) the RESOURCE LEVEL file into the subfolder WDFiles in your TW2 install directory andb) unzip one of the seven variants provided into your TW2 install directory (files will end up then in WDFiles/MODS and SoundData). Note: The sub-sub folder MODS is just for better sorting. You can also place everything directly in the WDFiles folder (minus the sound files which have to go into SoundData).You will find download links to these files at the end of this post.Concerning usage:A fresh start is required - it will not work (properly) with old savegames.1. Install the mod as described2.

Make a fresh character in the normal singleplayer main campaign3. Save her/him4. Go back to main menu5. Start a Pirates of the Flying Fortress expansion game (worry not, this will due to modding lead to the normal start of the main campaign)6.

Import your fresh character into the expansion game without choosing to level her/ him upWhen all works out as described, you will have a fresh level 1 character in Vakhmaar Castle. A new entry in your quest log should read 'Two Worlds Colliding'. When you find it, you're set to go. Just to rephrase: Trick here is that the character is created using the old campaign start option, but the game is played via using the PotFF option (with importing that lvl 1 char from the old campaign).The new questline starts at the beginning of the game and is designed to run almost to the final end.

The questgiver is a 'Crystal Man' you will find on the bridge spanning the central chasm in Alsorna (the island where you will find yourself once leaving the dungeons of Castle Vakhmaar).Ah, and no mods allowed in multiplayer.Enjoy it and please give some feedback over atMany greetings to you busy ones!youngneil127th of November 2011P.S.: To all folks with time for some relaxed coffee, just lean back and continue reading.B. Long VersionI. What is Worldmerge?1. The CORE part of Worldmerge does the following:a. It integrates all the eleven large adventure maps from multiplayer fully into the single player campaign (including their quests, enemies, treasures, etc.) - they are part of this one world map now.b. It adds a new very long questline sending you to explore the farthest corners of the world and to discover 55 well hidden, hand placed questitems.

This questline also explains why these new lands from multiplayer are suddenly there and will open your eyes for a new threat. The questline starts at the beginning of the game and is designed to run almost to the final end. The questgiver is a 'Crystal Man' you will find on the bridge spanning the central chasm in Alsorna (the island where you will find yourself once leaving the dungeons of Castle Vakhmaar).c. It integrates the Pirates of the Flying Fortress Expansion into the same game world as the main campaign (and the former multiplayer maps, see above). You can sail back and forth between the Pirate Isles and the other continents of Antaloor.

Two worlds ii mods

Same goes for teleporting.The quests associated with the PotFF Expansion (and its intro sequence) are started by talking with the Boat Trader in New Ashos. Ending the Pirates Expansion allows you to continue playing now.

You will find the Pirates Isles in the north western corner of the world. The iconoclastic Flying Fortress can be seen from all over Antaloor now. You are well advised to build up strength before tackling the expansion fully - nonetheless, you can do that Boat Trader's quest early on and travel back and forth between the expansion's Pirate Isles and the mainland anytime.d. As the game has now significantly more content, I have increased the difficulty of the last chapter of the main campaign (enter castle Vakhmaar and surrounding lands) by a hefty amount (like for Lvl 65+). You will want to do the former multiplayer maps as well as the Pirates Expansion before going there (you can try it before though - even ending the normal campaign will allow you to continue playing, too).

Furthermore all experience rewards for solving quests and monster slaying throughout the whole game (minus the early beginning) have been reduced by 30 percent to compensate for the extra content. Finally the strength of the opponents in the Pirates Expansion as well as its corresponding (former) multiplayer maps has been increased by 50% (hitpoints as well as damage). This makes it very challenging to earn those rich xp and loot rewards form the expansion content early on.e. To have enough space for the vast former multiplayer maps I have cloned the Eikronas continent. You will find a second 'mirror' Eikronas in the southern seas.

The questline mentioned above explains this. Mirror Eikronas has the potential to be used for all kinds of further modding in the future - for now it just holds the lands of four former multiplayer maps.f. Just as a small addition I have fixed a dungeon on Erimos (Savannah) that could prove as a trap with no escape for the player.

Two Worlds 2 Female Character Models


Also the starting clothes of the hero are not worn directly anymore, but can be found in a chest at the beginning of the game (take left at the first T-junction with water). This was necessary for the enhanced character creation (see below for details) to work out flawlessly. Both changes were inspired by Toccatta - many thanks for that.2. The CORE comes in three NEW DIFFICULTY LEVELS:a. NOVICE: This is the vanilla, umodified difficulty (easy, normal or hard - depending on what you have chosen in the main menu). The 30% exp reduction as well as the 50% strength increase of the Pirates expansion opponents as well as the increased difficulty of the last level (Vakhmaar Castle) of the main game exist here too, though.b. EXPERT: In addition to the changes mentioned for NOVICE this difficulty setting doubles the HP and Damage of almost all opponents (not in the tutorial section though).

Additionally it applies the They fight back! Mod (most enemies are much harder to interrupt by using your standard attacks) and the AI Mod (opponents chase you longer and are more aware of your very long distance attacks). It's intended to be used with the hard difficulty setting in the main game menu (but is also can be used with normal or easy).c. MASTER: The HP and Damage of your opponents are trippled (again not in the tutorial section). Besides applying the other tweaks of NOVICE and EXPERT(for both see above) this also a) increases the move and attack speed of all opponents by about 25%, b) makes healing potions ten times more expensive, c) allows many creatures to do gang up attacks on you (i.e. More than two or three attackers simultaenously), d) adds much improved mass healing abilities to many casters in the game and e) gives additional special abilities to the Ants and Rhinos in the game.

Two Worlds 2 Graphics Mods

Again, it's intended to be used with the hard difficulty setting in the main game menu (but is also can be used with normal or easy). Not for the faint of heart.3. FEMALE and MALE variantsFor each of these CORE version an additonal female option is available (many thanks to Helix666 for finding out how to get female player characters working and to Azraledark for many additional configuration options for the female model; she speaks one liners in female voice, but normal dialogue is still the male hero's voice; armours from the main campaign are adjusted to female versions).4. Version varietyThis results in the seven different versions ready for download below:MASTER MALEEXPERT MALENOVICE MALEMASTER FEMALEEXPERT FEMALENOVICE FEMALEVANILLA (this is just the integration of the new lands from MP and Pirates Expansion as well as the corresponding questline; no other mods included; difficulty of last levels around Castle Vakhmaar is not increased)5. Additional mods integrated in each CORE variant - not in VANILLA variant though (these mods cannot be uninstalled separately):Crafting upgrade mod lite by Toccatta, which does inter alia allow to dismantle rings and amuletts for raw gold, which can be in turn used to improve other rings and amulets.

Look here for details:. You will find the full version of the mod there, too, which makes changes to the effects of gem fusion.More dyes, more slotsV2 by Toccatta, special thanks also to JackBaldy: This expands the available colours for dying items from 11 to 48 and makes colours of items more vibrant.

It also allows to colour metal armors and to colour many parts of your equipment that couldn't be coloured before. From V2 onwards new icons for the inventory have been added to allow a better identification of the colours. Quick Navigation.

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