Destiny 2 Raid Mods

  1. Destiny 2 Super Mod

Once you've completed the campaign and got your Guardian up to level 20 in, it's time to focus on improving your Power Level. Entry to the big end-game content, such as Strikes and the Raid, require Power Levels of over 240. And if you're anything like me, by the time you've blasting through the story to catch up with your mates, you're still lagging behind on Power. However, there's a way to rocket yourself up to those higher levels by using weapon mods.They're little buffs that improve the level of your armour and weapons, and can be quite key to how you reach the top tier levels in Destiny 2.

Basically if you want to get anywhere near that 350 Power Level cap, you're going to need some help from these little guys.What are Legendary mods?A lot of the kit you pick up along the way, Legendary and Exotic gear and weapons in particular, will come equipped with a Legendary mod. That's the little purple icon that shows up in the central slot along the bottom left hand side of the screen when you're looking at the specifics of your weapon and gear.They come in various forms, which you should tailor to your particular play style. Some might charge your gun's rounds with solar energy, others might allow your Arc melee abilities to recharge faster, while some others will let your grenades charge faster or improve weapon handling.

Destiny 2 Super Mod

They really are rather brilliant.But having them equipped also positively affects the attack or defense level of your weapon or armour, and gives you a lovely little boost to its Infusion value. You might want to read our Destiny 2 Infusion guide for help with that bit:.But basically, you'll want to have every piece of armour and every weapon you have equipped with a Legendary mod, because it's an incredibly easy way to jump up a multiple levels in no time at all.How to get Legendary mods for your weapons and armourThe only way to get Legendary mods - unless you pick up a weapon that already has one - is to buy them from Banshee-44, the Gunsmith in the Tower. But, there's a caveat. You have to hit Power Level 280 in order to even buy any of the Legendary mods, which is a huge grind in itself.

(I got stuck at 279 for far too long, so I feel your pain, Guardians.)But once you've hit that magical 280, prepare to have your levels boosted in no time. As soon as you've hit 280, the entire subsection of the shop pops up and opens up a world of mods.Buy one for every piece of armour or weapon that you're using that doesn't currently have one. And then just watch your level rise. I went from 280 to 284 in a matter of minutes.

It's glorious.In order to buy them, you'll have to swap three blue/Rare mods of the same type, but trust me, you'll have stocked up plenty on your travels. How to farm Legendary modsThere is a way to farm Legendary mods if you want to make sure that you get the ones you want and those most appropriate to your playstyle and subclass. But first of all buy all the Legendary mods Banshee has in that bottom section that opens up post Power Level 280.After that, go through your inventory and dismantle every Legendary mod that you don't want. This will get you mod components, which you can then trade in for a random weapon or armour mod.Repeat ad nauseum until you've got a raft of Legendary mods that you really like and keep on binning the rest.

Although Forsaken promises to give Destiny 2 players plenty of new things to do (a new campaign, two new destinations, the new Gambit mode), it’s also making big changes to some of the things already on offer. This September, fans will find two major aspects have been altered: Milestones, which will become more plentiful and fluid, and mods, which will hopefully become a more meaningful way to customize your gear.We spoke to Destiny 2 game director Steve Cotton about both of these changes, and he shed plenty of light on how players can expect to change up their guns and weekly schedule around the new mods and milestones in Forsaken. From Milestones To ChallengesOne of the most prominent changes from the original Destiny to Destiny 2 is the increased focus on weekly milestones. At the start of each week in Destiny 2, you get a fresh new slate of milestones which offer “powerful” loot – the only kind that can increase your power level in the lategame.Although this system makes it easy to see what you should do to increase your power, it also has its flaws. Milestones currently have you heading to the same activities to accomplish the same tasks every week.

And once you complete these weekly milestones, you don’t have too many other ways of leveling up. Iron Banner and Faction Rally events, catalysts, and other activities offer other objectives to chase, but it’s hard not to feel discouraged from playing after a certain point every week, which isn’t exactly what you want out of a “hobby” game.When the Forsaken launches, hardcore players will have much more on their plates. Rather than a set number of milestones, what you do in a given week will vary. While raids and raid lairs will still offer their regular powerful rewards once per week, other milestones will change to a four-day cycle.

“All the Destiny 2 milestones will be there, but they will be advertised and tracked in a different way,” Cotton says. The tab will now only show critical-path objectives, like story mode and DLC completion, quest steps, and legacy milestones from the base game (such as quests for exotic weapons like the MIDA Multi-Tool). Instead of checking a tab to see your task list, you’ll now find the director lighting up and pointing you to individual locations and activity destinations (like the Vanguard and Crucible screens), which will show you how to earn powerful loot. “The best way to think about this is that there will be several different ways to go out in the world and get more powerful,” Cotton says.Second, some terminology is changing. Milestones are now challenges, and what Destiny 2 currently calls challenges (objectives that offer tokens for their completion) will be absorbed into the new.

Along with the usual powerful reward checklist from the base game (for completing the weekly Flashpoint, Strike, Crucible, Nightfall, Clan, and Raid challenges), there will be new weekly challenges for bounties, Gambit, Heroic story missions,. And, when it's time for an Iron Banner or Faction Rally event, those will also add to the list of challenges for that week.On top of that, new daily challenges will offer more ways for players to get earn powerful loot every day. These challenges will rotate among various activities like strikes, Nightfall strikes, Gambit, Heroic adventures, and Crucible. So in a given week, you might tackle two Crucible challenges, two Gambit challenges, two strike challenges, and one Heroic adventure, depending on the random rotation.If you don't have time to log in every day, don't worry – daily challenges will wait for you.

If you miss daily challenges, they'll stockpile until you have four saved up right before the next four-day reset. 'If you wait longer than four days, you will miss the reset but the next time you log on there will be four daily challenges available to you,' Cotton says. 'If you do one or more the next day, if one of the ones you did is the daily reset, a new one will pop (on a schedule), and so on.'

DestinyDestiny 2 best mods

Bounties will also offer additional ways to get more powerful. As we mentioned earlier this month, the bounty system will offer, and some will offer powerful loot. Not all bounties will, but each bounty will clearly display its reward, letting you know which ones to pick up if you’re only looking for powerful rewards.There will also be several hidden challenges to look for, ones not highlighted by the director and which observant players will have to find for themselves, scattered across several activities. This should bring back some of the mystery fans have been looking for since the launch of Destiny 2; not only will you have a more extensive checklist of things to get more powerful, but exploring the world for secrets might also prove useful.All of these new ways to earn powerful loot should offer reasons for players to keep playing much more regularly. “The intent is that you will always have something to go after,” Cotton says. This, on top of the new triumphs system, collections, and regular events already on the Destiny 2 calendar, should give players lots to do as they make the climb to the 600 power cap and suss out all of Forsaken's secrets. More Meaningful ModsAnother aspect of Destiny 2 that’s being reworked are mods.

Before, they offered a way for each weapon and piece of armor to differentiate itself, and legendary mods offered a small boost in power, making them the only way to reach the power cap. As players sunk their teeth into the game, however, they found most mods weren’t all that different, and often, felt more like a requirement than a fun tool (see: legendary kinetic mods, which only offered five-point power boost for kinetic weapons).With Forsaken, mods will hopefully be useful enough that you’ll want to equip them, not have to. For one, mods will no longer offer a power boost, which means you won’t have a pressing need to equip a mod just to slightly increase your power. This means a couple of things: First, at Forsaken’s launch, only legendary mods will be available (no more combining rare mods!).Second, it means a bit of house-cleaning. With your current mods becoming obsolete, you’ll have to make a quick run to the Gunsmith, who will take your old mods and trade them for components to make new ones.

This does come with a slight downside: Because all mods are now designed to be more expressive, energy and heavy weapon mods will no longer act as a way to change the element of a given weapon.These new mods will be less about cooldown reductions and more about changes you’ll notice right away. A few mods Cotton was able to reveal to us were Icarus Grip (which improves your weapon’s accuracy while airborne), Radar Tuner (which decreases the time it takes for your radar to return after you’re done aiming your weapon), and Targeting Adjuster (which grants your weapon better target acquisition). According to Cotton, bonuses like these will make mods more impactful overall. As a counterweight, mods will also be harder to acquire, but when you get one you like, it should feel like you’re making a weapon your own. “Ideally they aren’t something that you are swapping in and out regularly,” says Cotton. “They’re more something you use to put the finishing touches on your favorite weapons and armor.”These changes also apply to raid weapons, which will use the same mod system, but also have access to unique raid mods.

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And while raid mods for the new raid that will follow Forsaken’s launch will be tailored to that specific raid, “there’s nothing stopping us from sneaking in some more universal raid mods in the future,” Cotton says.While new content is always great to see, it’s the fundamental underpinnings of a game like Destiny 2 that can mean the difference between checking in with it every once in a while and having it regular rotation. With these sweeping changes to both milestones and mods, Cotton and the rest of the team at Bungie hope to move Destiny 2 further into the latter by always giving players something new to do, and making their choice of weapon and mod matter more than ever.For more on Destiny 2: Forsaken, such as a look at a match of the new Breakthrough mode and your community questions answered, click on the banner below to see all of our Destiny 2 content, and check back throughout the month for more coverage.