Skyrim Mods Ps3 Download


THIS TUTORIAL HAS BEEN REVISED. THE METHOD TO IMPLEMENT MODS HAS CHANGED. PLEASE REFER TO THE NEW METHOD TO INSTALL YOUR MODS BELOW. CREDIT GIVEN DOWN IN THE UPDATED SECTION.So I’ve seen this topic come up a few times here, with never any really definitive answers on it. So I figured I would share my methods(no longer simply my methods) for modding this great game.

This is a LONG read, so I apologize in advance, I just wanted to attempt to be as thorough as possible.(There is a list of mods that I have verified working on ps3, as well as a list of some that do not work, at the end of this tutorial. In addition, there are important notes regarding mods. And finally, if requested, I can upload my mod collection to a file sharing service for everyone. Will take time, and depends on the interest, I guess.)I currently have about 30+ mods running on my game, ( don't do this) (and a whole ton more that I’m not using but do work) and am currently level 41 with little to no issues other than increased load times and the usual lag that comes with vanilla Skyrim. LOAD TIMES:We’ll go ahead and discuss load times now, I feel this is the most important.

I can give you my experience but keep this in mind:I’m running my entire game off of a USB stick. That means the disk(game folders), internal game data, well as installed DLC. So the whole enchilada. ( I have 3 data folders for swapping and testing, 2 on usb, 1 on HD)My load time ( with 30 mods) is as follows:From the xmb to the press start screen: 3 minutesFrom pressing continue to the initial game load: 1 minute 40 seconds.Fast traveling or other normal in-game loading(doors): Near normal load times in most cases (an occasional long load here and there, never more than 35-40 seconds)You will see my own mod setup below, but I’ll tell you now I’m running a few big ones in there, Climates of Tamriel, The Hairstyler, Ordinator Perk Overhaul (which is fucking awesome). So I don’t feel this is too bad.But I’m also not an impatient man, so I’ll tell you this: More mods = longer load.Example: With simply Climates of Tamriel, Breezehome, UFO, Cinematic FireFX, More money mod = no noticeable load time change. The complexity and size of mod increases this.Much faster running off the HD. AN IMPORTANT MESSAGE REGARDING SAVE SIZE, AND DIRTY SAVES:This game suffers from what I like to call Bethesda syndrome.


Like Fallout 3 and NV, after a while your save file will get bigger and bigger. At some point, so big that the game starts to get laggy. To the point of unplayability. Keep this in mind. Upon hitting the 10mb save file mark, you may experience issues such as long loads, stuttering, and extremely low frame rates. This happens REGARDLESS OF WHETHER YOU HAVE MODS OR NOT Please keep this in mind. I believe (link also at bottom) has a method to reduce your save file size, but you must have a copy of skyrim for the pc.

Also, if you are using the Breezehome mod, you must un-install it (using the instructions in the mod, which is the book on the pedestal near the front door) before attempting the method to reduce your save file size. If you do not un-install the house mod properly, it will break breezehome.Do not attempt this if using Ordinator or the Breezehome mod, it'll break your game. Do not attempt this with any mod that makes big or permanent changes (perk tree, heavily modded vanilla homes, or permanent stat changers) you have been warned.Also, keep a clean save nearby at all times. When you load mods and then save your game, some of that data regarding the mods is also saved in your game. When you remove the mods later for whatever reason, the remnants in your save can cause issues in your game. Always test your mods from a fresh save, and keep a backup, CLEAN save with no mods loaded to fall back on or at least a save with the mods you know for sure you are keeping.

It will save you headaches later.First things first. I will freely admit I do not know the first thing about properly modding these games for the console. I’m fairly certain to do it properly would involve the creation of new EDAT files, which I don’t know how to do.

But thanks to an awesome user here, we now have an edat and method to implement these mods properly!!Disclaimer: All mods have been created by their respective owners. I DO NOT take credit for any of this, as I simply found how to pack loose mods for ps3 use.

I am not responsible for damage to your console in any way, shape or form. Use this knowledge at your own risk. I have had no issues with mine, playing this way for months.

But if your console happens to open a portal to hell, explodes, or tries to steal your girlfriend, I AM NOT RESPONSIBLE.This information has been compiled from a combination of various forum sources I found online, and my own experimentation. In addition, some mods in my collection were obtained from forum posts of others regarding ps3 skyrim mods and some youtube links. I will give credit where I can. THIS SECTION HAS BEEN UPDATED PLEASE READCREDIT: I would like to thank, who was generous enough to share this information (and file) with me, and also allow me to share it with you.So now that is out of the way, here we go.You will need the following:.PS3 with CFW (obviously).Multiman or homebrew with file manager of some type.NEW!! REQUIRED (This is the edat that we are going to use to load the mods. Credit to for sharing the file and knowledge needed on this.).Skyrim Legendary Edition (I am using US version), with all 3 DLC’s installed (You must have at least Dawnguard installed for this method to work. Some mods may require resources from Dragonborn and Hearthfire, so I suggest installing all 3).A PC ( I think any pc will do, this isn’t super intensive work).WinRAR or 7zip (I’m giving more than one choice here, don’t hate!).(to pack loose files into BSA for PS3 use.

This specific version is the only one I found to work properly) (OPTIONAL but RECOMMENDED).Creation Kit (To create dummy.esp files to use with Texture packs) (OPTIONAL).A nexus account, or similar place to acquire PC Skyrim mods.A lot of patience.Mods that are older work the best, but some of the newer ones will work as well. Mods must be in the format of an.esp or.esm file with an accompanying BSA file (if it needs one, some don’t). LOOSE FOLDER MODS WILL WORK (I've been told), but I like to pack them. That is what BSAopt is for, and we will get to that shortly. WHERE THE MODS GO (UPDATED):To install:Copy the MODS.EDAT to a safe place on a USB stick, and insert into the slot closest to the drive (right slot), (or FTP if you have the knowledge), and using MMCM (Multiman) File Manager, navigate to the directory where your Skyrim Legendary DLC is located.Navigate to devhdd0/game/ The game has 2 ID’s in this folder. The first, BLUS30778CACHE, is for the main game data files (This is the games install data, not the dlc)The second folder, BLUS31202, is where the DLC for the game is located, and this is where the mods are going to go.

Navigate to USRDIR/NPDRM/. WE ARE GOING TO COPY THE MODS.EDAT HERE AND CREATE A NEW FOLDER CALLED MODS LIKE THIS:And there you have it!:) EXAMPLESThis section is split into examples: Simple, and Complex. Tutorial links consist of the mod link, and screenshots for visual aid.SIMPLE: esp and bsa ready to goWe are using Automatic Item Storage for this example.Extract the zip or rar file of this mod somewhere you will be able to find it (folder on the desktop maybe?) or you can go ahead and extract to a USB for transfer to the PS3. This mod is a simple example because it already comes as an.esp and.bsa file.The mods will go into the MODS/DATA/ folder, as indicated above.Simply copy the 2 mod files (.esp and.bsa) from your USB into this directory.That’s it. Start your game. Upon loading your game you should be greeted by a message regarding the magical auto storage fish. If so, SUCCESS.COMPLEX (2 Examples):Example 1: Mod with an.esp and LOOSE FilesA note on this: folders like fomod and screenshots can be ignored as they are for mod managers and irrelevant.

Folders to pack are going to be:. Textures. Meshes.

Sounds. Voices. Scripts. SeqI'm sure I'm probably missing something, but that's the gist of it. And if the mod doesn't have any of the above, then don't worry, it doesn't need it.We are using Dovahbit of Caerbannog for our example.WARNING: Dovahbit is not compatible with follower mods such as UFO or AFT. You must use DovaHare, found on the same page.Method: Download and extract BSAopt to a folder you will find easy to work with. Do not touch any of the settings, it should work as-is.

The only setting you may want to play with is the compression level. For larger mods, (over 100 mb) I have set the level to 5 with no issues. This is a setting you can experiment with.Now extract the mod files. In the extraction window, navigate to the BSAopt folder you installed BSAopt to.Here you will see 2 folders, one titled “in”, and the other “out”. Extract the loose folders to the “in” folder in BSAopt. Extract the.esp file to an easy location to access later.Start the BSAopt program. Choose the executable for your system, 32bit or 64 and run it.

You will be greeted by this:If you did this correctly, you should already see folder structures in the BSAopt window:If not, then click the Browse button near the top, navigate to the “in” folder, and click use folder at the bottom:Next, click the browse button at the bottom of the app window, and type in a name for the BSA file. THE BSA FILE NAME MUST EXACTLY MATCH THE NAME OF THE.ESP FILE. So Dovahbit.bsa, to match the Dovahbit.esp file you already have.After doing this, click Pack. Wait for it to finish, and once done, the BSA file you created will be in the “out” folder.Next, simply follow the same installation method from the simple example above.

Place the 2 files for Dovahbit (bsa and esp) in the MODS/DATA folder with your other mods. Fire up your game. Done.Tip: Dovahbit can be found in Farengar’s section of Dragons Reach.Tip: Don't forget to clean out the 'in' folder before extracting and preparing your next mod. Things get screwy when you accidentally combine folders from different mods.Example 2:Loose files with NO ESP (these are mostly texture replacers.) This requires Creation Kit or a way to make esp files.Simply take the loose files, extract them into BSAopt “in” folder, same as above. Click browse below, and give it a filename that is simple but easy to identify.We will use CBBE for this example (This is not recommended, as this pack puts excessive strain on the system, causing freeze ups and crashes. It is possible to use with the low textures, but there are less resource intensive mods to achieve the same effect.

This is simply to prove it works. For custom bodies and armor, see the section of working mods at the end of this tutorial)Extract the CBBE files to a folder of your choice to work from. The next steps will apply to any mod similar to this, as this mod comes with multiple install options and you will have to choose how you want to build it. (Always read the mod’s nexus page for important information regarding use, requirements, and conflicts. It will save you headaches later if you REALLY get into doing this)This is what you should see where you extracted the folders:This mod requires the slim section to work, so open that folder. Inside should be 2 folders: textures, and meshes.

These are the ones you want. Copy these 2 folders to the “in” folder of BSAopt.Next, choose whether you want the curvy textures as well. If so, then open the curvy folder, and copy the 2 folders inside (yep, textures and meshes) to the BSAopt “in” folder, and YES, OVERWRITE THE PREVIOUS FILES WHEN ASKED.Finally, pick any other of the features you want, and repeat the process, overwriting when necessary. The Texture Quality folder has 3 subfolders, low, med, and high. If you so choose, copy the corresponding slim or curvy folder within your desired quality folder to the “in” folder, but only choose 1! This is why it is important to read the mod instructions, because you can’t just pack this whole mod up and expect it to work, there is a method.Set your preferred compression level and pack your files. I packed these at 5, because I assumed that extreme compression would cause texture issues.


This is only my personal speculation, your mileage may vary.Now we move to Creation Kit: (This is SUPER SIMPLE):Open Creation Kit. If it throws an error (Mine does) Just click yes to all and it will go away. Click on File, then Data:Click Ok, then click File, Save. Name your save file EXACTLY THE SAME AS THE FILE YOU PACKED EARLIER (so for CBBEPS3.BSA, you would save in creation kit as CBBEPS3) Save it. Find the.esp file you just saved, pair it with the BSA you packed, and install it via the same method as before.

BOOM, textures replaced. Final Notes:Some mods for Skyrim require a certain load order to prevent conflicts.

While there is no “Loot” or mod manager for the PS3, we have limited control over the load order. But the general consensus online that I found regarding this is that the load order is determined on the console by the order in which you copy your mods into the folder. It has to do with file write dates I suppose. To my knowledge this hasn’t been verified, but it is the current theory (Don’t quote me I could be totally wrong about this) Now the fun stuff: WHAT WORKS (AND WHAT DOESN’T)A quick note before the list:Mods that require SKSE,SKYUI, or any external program that requires an.exe or.dll file currently do not work. This is not extremely limiting, as there are over 50,000 mods on Nexus, but it is good to keep in mind. ( I believe the Elite Electronics guys figured out how to implement parts of SKSE, but it’s beyond my current experience)Mods that have their own custom voices are a mixed bag. Most of the time the mod will work, but the voices won’t.

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An example of this is the Jesus follower mod. He’s there, but he won’t talk. No fun with silent Jesus. Others, like Dreamborne Isles (Yes, it works on PS3) work, but no voices.

Turn on all subtitles in the options to read the dialogue instead.I am currently experimenting with converting the sound files to be compatible and hopefully readable on the ps3, but I don’t have anything substantial to share, so no custom voices for now.One more thing on follower mods: Older ones are best. Unfortunately, no Recorder or Inigo for us, as those are so intense that they lock up the system upon trying to enter the area they reside in. Beware of follower mods that claim hundreds of lines of new dialogue, as you won’t be able to hear it anyway.Body and CBBE armor replacers have neck seam issues that require texture editing to fix. But it’s not that bad (to me anyway). THIS LIST IS IN NO WAY COMPLETEMods I’m running together (My setup):(Ready to go)(Ready to go)(Ready to go. Makes you want to just stare at the sky.

I use interiors and nights lvl2 as well)(Ready to go. Want to summon a dragon? A few select spells do not work.)(Pack via tutorial above, use Dovahare for UFO compatibility)(Ready to go, amazing house)(Ready to go. Lighting effects, kinda redundant with CoT above, but meh.)(Ready to go, I use the all versions download.

All seems to work)(Ready to go. It’s a magical fish!)(Ready to go)(Ready to go)(Must Pack loose files into bsa)(Ready to go)(Ready to go. A few are glitched. Does not affect gameplay.)(Ready to go. A good portion are glitched/do not work, but there are enough that do that I decided to include it here.

I use it.)(Ready to go. Now followers actually get the fuck out of your way. Highly Recommended)(Ready to go)(You must pack the script before using) – A note on this one: This mod has not been proven to reduce ps3 save sizes, but does link weapons to corpses to reduce clutter. I'm running this as a test.(Ready to go. Enable subtitles for the dialogue.

Skyrim Pc Mods On Ps3

In instances where quests don't initiate, try talking to the character again to get it going. I have completed this on my PS3.)(Ready to go)(Ready to go)(Follower, Ready to go)(Ready to go. Summon a merchant anywhere)(Ready to go. Try the compatibility version)(Ready to go)(Must pack files before use. Oh, and I'm in love with this house.)(Ready to go.

Makes higher level questing still challenging)(Ready to go.)(Ready to go. Melt down all those junk weapons you keep picking up)Sylvia (Ready to go.

Follower) Other Working Mods:I apologize in advance for the lack of links. A quick google search of 'Name skyrim mod' should bring up the appropriate Nexus page.Purity ( Weather The water glitches on occasion)Pure Weather (Looks Great)Alchemist Pocket Garden ( Player Home May require packing first)Carriage and Ferry Travel Overhaul (Pack first, works but no custom voices)Jango Mountable Sabrecat (Works fine, but he was goofy looking. Riding glitches sometimes)More Foliage Whiterun (This adds a shit ton of trees to Whiterun. Simple script but does increase load times for Whiterun. May cause excessive stuttering depending on load.)Helgen Reborn (Pack if necessary. Works, no voices. Not Fully Tested)Simple NPC Outfit Manager (Change anyones clothes through dialogue options.

Warning: With UFO it is possible to 'cheat' by giving your follower badass armor through this mod, and removing it from them afterwards. UFO dialogue option 'You could dress better'. May produce unexpected results.)Empowered Magic (Minor magic perk overhaul. I used this before Ordinator)Character Creation Overhaul (Only lightly tested, may cause game breaking glitches, needs more testing)Dreamborne Isle (May need packing.

Voices do not work. Subtitles recommended. Not fully tested)Lively Followers (May conflict with UFO)Open Cities (This one actually worked, I was surprised. Exiting a building inside the city will load the city separately like the vanilla game. But from anywhere in Skyrim, the city gates should open with no load screen.)Random Alternate Start (Worked the 2 times I tried it. Mileage may vary)Leveler's Tower (Unzip the resources to 'in' first, then unzip the loose folders from the esp zip into 'in', OVERWRITE WHEN ASKED.

Pack at compression 5. May cause crashes, not fully tested) Not Working:INIGO - COMING SOON (MAYBE)Recorder (Not at this time)Heritage Mod (Upon creating your new character, you are stuck in 3rd person, and not in a good way either.) Forum Links (not a definitive list)(Some packed ready to go. Unsure if the DL link is still good.)(May not be relevant)(For information about their mod pack and how to use it if you so choose DL in the next linkThis mod overwrites files in the game disc folder itself as well. Make a backup of your GAME before trying)(One final release of all their stuff. They no longer work on this) Some Personal ScreenshotsAnd I think that's it. 25,000 characters, my OCD wouldn't let me leave it alone, lol.

I feel like this is at least a good start for anyone looking to try to mod this game.This is my first ever tutorial on Reddit, so I hope it's comprehensive and helpful.I will answer any questions that I can. If you feel I've left anything out, let me know.Happy Modding.I will continue to edit this as necessary. All suggestions are welcome!. I have seen on some very old forums people had packed a few skyrim mods as packages that you install through the xmb. Seems like those would work with no prep needed.My method is mostly manual, put the files where they go yourself, packing loose mod folders into bsa files that the system will read.I never could get loose folders to load on the ps3 version of skyrim, I had read somewhere the console version would only read bsa archives.Thanks for the info, I'm still learning.

Playstation Store has exclusive rights for any downloadable gamecontent and any Mod could not come from the Playstation Store. Soplaying Skyrim online with a mod would quickly get you banned.The USB Drive on a PS3 does not have access to the game downloadarea of the HDD and the below information does nothing to answerthe question of where or what website to obtain the mods.You can mod console versions of skyrim. You have to have a USBcable or a flashdrive to transfer mods on the pc to the x-box 360or the ps3. Go to Skyrim nexus